Cloud-Enabled Test & Measurement Systems
AMTech leverages cloud-based solutions to collect data and provide critical control in various applications, enabling organizations to compare data across their entire organization and utilize test assets more effectively.
System Management
AMTech assists test organizations in staying focused on their unique test domain expertise by automating mundane aspects of system management. Utilizing powerful tools like NI SystemLink, AMTech aids in test software development and sets up test station health and performance monitoring.
Data Management & Access
With data storage in the cloud, organizations gain new levels of access to their data and insights. Test data can be made available through web applications, PC applications, and mobile devices. Data can be consumed via web applications or connected to LabVIEW in the cloud.
Search and Manage Data
AMTech enables organizations to search and manage data across their entire organization. For example, data collected in research and development or product development can be compared to results from end-of-line manufacturing test systems.
Test Workflow Management
Implementing a laboratory information management system (LIMS) in SharePoint allows organizations to track samples, lab tasks, and assets more efficiently and accurately.
Engineering & Scientific Insight
The ultimate goal of an effective test environment is to turn test data into Engineering and Scientific Insight. This involves not only accessing data but also analyzing and presenting it intelligently with data visualization using SystemLink Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Microsoft Power BI.
Tools, Technologies, & Protocols
AMTech utilizes various tools, technologies, and protocols including:
- NI SystemLink
- SystemLink Cloud
- SharePoint